Summary | Not for Sale | Anon

Summary           ' Not for Sale ' by an anonymous writer is a heart touching story of a young couple madly in love who overcome all obstacles for the sake of their love and togetherness. The author was on a vacation when he came across a painting of a young woman . The painting was extraordinary and very expressive. He wished to buy it. But the woman in charge of the shop denied saying that the painting belonged to the owner of the shop and he did not wish to sell it. However, the painting was so touching that it kept haunting the author. Whenever he got a chance, he would drive all the way through Taos and to the gallery and see the painting. Finally, the woman shopkeeper told him the story behind the painting. Two young students, a man and a woman, fell madly in love while they studied painting and arts in New York, far from their homes . They decided to get married and have a promising career in painting.           How...

Summary | My Lost Dollar | P. H. Butler Leacock

Summary | My Lost Dollar

The Lost Dollar’ is a simple short story written by Stephen P. H. Butler Leacock, a Canadian teacher, political scientist and a writer. It is an entertaining story full of humour as well as hidden irony. It talks about how people forget money they owe and behave so casually as if they never owed it.

    The author’s friend Todd had once to catch a taxi as he was about to leave for Bermuda. Since Todd did not have a dollar change, he borrowed it from Leacock, the author.

    After reaching Hamilton in Bermuda, Todd wrote a casual letter to the author. Moreover, after coming back to the author's hometown he also met him again at the railway but neither in the letter nor in the second meet did Todd mention about the dollar he owed. Todd just took it very casually and had completely forgotten that he needed to pay the dollar back. Later, he also talks about various things except the payment of his one dollar loan.

    In the later half, the author talks in a completely opposite manner. He realizes that the way Todd had forgotten to pay back his small amount, the author might have also forgotten to pay back to few. This makes him ashamed and in pain as he realizes that he had created a wrong image of Todd in his mind and that it was just a humble mistake of Todd that he forgot to return the dollar. The author then tries to recall and make a list of all such people whom he might owe and want those people to speak out so that the author can recall and pay back. The author then becomes very conscious because he does not want any of his readers to leave his this piece of work anywhere where Todd may read it.

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Comment on the irony in the text.

    The author P. H. Butler Leacock, in the story ‘The Lost Dollar’ reveals quite an ironical situation. Leacock writes in the story about lending money. He lends money and never gets back. The expression ‘irony’ is always used to convey a hidden meaning. The things which are revealed through the text are that a small amount of money borrowed is always forgotten. It also states the funny way to remember a small amount like one dollar. Hence, the readers who can read between the lines do appreciate the ironical usage of ‘borrowing and lending of money.’ As the author conveys that at times, it is difficult to lend money as there are rare chances to get it back. It is hilarious to note that people value a dollar more than the valuable friendship. The writer also makes the readers realize deeply if he had also made a mistake of borrowing money and not paying it back.

Write in detail on:

The Borrower

    There are two characters in the story ‘The Lost Dollar’. One who lends the dollar is the writer and the one who borrows it is his friend Todd. Todd is a careless man who forgets to pay the money taken. He takes money and forgets the trip so it shows his unaccountability. The feeling of being responsible is also missing as he behaves in a forgetful or say careless manner. One should always remember to pay back. The amount doesn’t matter but the act of returning borrowed money does. So we can say that Major Todd of the Club of Montreat is very careless and forgetful and in spite of repeated hints fails to acknowledge the help received and return the money.

The relation of the author and his friend

    Author was a sincere person and cared for friends. Leacock valued his friend. The story shows that the author is a careful person. He helps his friend because they share a great friendship. At times in the story, Stephen makes us realize how much he cares for the happiness of his friend. The friend Todd equally likes the author but he is of forgetful nature. Todd is not able to understand the responsible nature of his friend. As on the writer’s part, he responds to every emotion of his friend Todd. At the end, he very amusingly writes about the unpaid money. He doesn’t want Todd to know about it as he cares for his sentiments.
